Main Article Content
This study aims to determine the relationship between work motivation and workload on employee satisfaction at PT Pratomo Putra Teknik Palopo. The research method used was quantitative research with a total of 40 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires directly to employees at PT Pratomo Putra Palopo. The results of this study indicate that work motivation has a significant effect on job satisfaction, while workload has a positive effect on employee satisfaction, while workload has a positive effect on employee satisfaction because the influence of employee satisfaction has increased by 0.400 units. The regression coefficient of the work motivation variable has a positive relationship with employee satisfaction.
Article Details
- Andika Rindi, et al. (2019). The Influence of Work Motivation and Job Competition on Work Productivity Through Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables in Employees of the University of Pembangunan Panca Budimedan. Journal of Management Tools, 11(1), 189–204.
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- Hermingsih, A., & Purwanti, D. (2020). The Effect of Compensation and Workload on Job Satisfaction with Work Motivation as a Moderating Variable. Journal of Dimensions, 9(3), 574-597.
- Iskandar, S., & Sembada, GG (2012). The Effect of Workload, Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Bank BJB Padalarang Branch Employees. Journal of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 26-38.
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- Sugiharjo, RJ, & Aldata, F. (2018). The Influence of Workload and Work Motivation on Employee Performance of the Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan in Salemba Branch. The Effect of Workload and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. Scientific Journal of Management and Business, IV(01), 132–141.
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- Zulher, Z. (2020). Analysis of work ethic, work environment and workload on employee job satisfaction (Survey of UPTD Employees at Bangkinang Kota Health Center). Economic Tower Journal: Research and Scientific Studies in Economics, 6(2).
Andika Rindi, et al. (2019). The Influence of Work Motivation and Job Competition on Work Productivity Through Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variables in Employees of the University of Pembangunan Panca Budimedan. Journal of Management Tools, 11(1), 189–204.
Asmawiyah, Mukhtar, A., & Nurjaya. (2020). The Effect of Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT. Nusantara Plantation XIV Makassar. Journal of Mirai Management, 5(2), 388–401.
Hermingsih, A., & Purwanti, D. (2020). The Effect of Compensation and Workload on Job Satisfaction with Work Motivation as a Moderating Variable. Journal of Dimensions, 9(3), 574-597.
Iskandar, S., & Sembada, GG (2012). The Effect of Workload, Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Bank BJB Padalarang Branch Employees. Journal of Economics, Business & Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 26-38.
Communication, P., Work, B., Motivation, AND, Against, K., Employees, K., Service, P., Dan, K., & Civil, P. (2020). Yuli's thesis.
Mahendrawan, IG, & Indrawati, AD (2015). Effect of workload and compensation on job satisfaction PT. Panca Dewata Denpasar (Doctoral dissertation, Udayana University).
Nabawi, R. (2019). The influence of the work environment, job satisfaction and workload on employee performance. Maneggio: Scientific Journal of Master of Management, 2(2), 170-183.
Neksen, A., Wadud, M., & Handayani, S. (2021). Effect of Workload and Working Hours on Employee Performance at PT Global Sumatra Group. National Journal of Marketing & HR Management, 2(2), 105–112.
Puspita, NMD, & Atmaja, NPCD (2020). Effect of Compensation on Job Stress and Employee Job Satisfaction. Saraswati Bakti Journal, 9(2), 112–119.
Putra, DMBA, & Mujiati, NW (2019). The Role of Job Satisfaction in Mediating the Effect of Job Stress and Work Motivation on Turnover Intention. Udayana University Management E-Journal, 8(7), 4045.
Ridho, M., & Susanti, F. (2019). The Influence of Work Stress and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Bank Mandiri Syariah Padang Branch Employees. INA-Rvix Papers, 10.
Saputra, AA (2022). Effect of Compensation, Work Environment and Workload on Employee Job Satisfaction. Technomedia Journal, 7(June 1), 68-77.
Steven, HJ, & Prasetio, AP (2020). The Effect of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance. Journal of Science and Technology Research, 5(1), 78–88.
Sugiharjo, RJ, & Aldata, F. (2018). The Influence of Workload and Work Motivation on Employee Performance of the Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan in Salemba Branch. The Effect of Workload and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. Scientific Journal of Management and Business, IV(01), 132–141.
Yo, P., Melati, P., & Surya, IBK (2015). Effect of workload on job satisfaction with work stress as a mediating variable (Doctoral dissertation, Udayana University).
Zulher, Z. (2020). Analysis of work ethic, work environment and workload on employee job satisfaction (Survey of UPTD Employees at Bangkinang Kota Health Center). Economic Tower Journal: Research and Scientific Studies in Economics, 6(2).