Pengaruh kekuatan otot lengan dan kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap kemampuan dribbling pada atlet bola basket porprov kota palopo

Al Alfitra, Muhammad (2022) Pengaruh kekuatan otot lengan dan kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap kemampuan dribbling pada atlet bola basket porprov kota palopo. Pengaruh kekuatan otot lengan dan kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap kemampuan dribbling pada atlet bola basket porprov kota palopo. (Submitted)

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The purpose of this study was: (1) to find out whether there was an effect of leg muscle strength on dribbling ability; (2) to find out whether there was an effect of arm muscle strength on dribbling ability;(3) to find out whether there was an effect of leg muscle strength and arm muscle strength on dribbling ability This study applied a survey method with test and measurement techniques. The Arm Muscle Strength was measured using a stopwatch, the measurement of leg muscle strength was done with a vertical jump, and the measurement of dribbling ability was done using a stopwatch. The collected data were analyzed using the linear regressio n correlation method. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the calculation of the linear regression multiple correlation is known to be the value of Sig. (2-tailed) between the X1 variable (leg muscle ability) and Y (dribbling ability) variable, the deviation from linearity sig. of 0.844 > 0.05 and the calculated F value is 0.460 < the F table value is 3.739. From these data, it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between the variable arm muscle strength and dribbling ability. The effect of Variable X2 (leg muscle strength) on variable Y (dribbling ability) obtained the deviation from linearity sig. of 0.267 > 0.05 and the calculated F value is 3.136 < the F table value is 3.739. From these data, it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between the variable leg muscle strength and dribbling ability. Keywords: Arm Muscle Strength, Leg Muscle Strength, Dribbling Ability

Item Type: Article
TeacherRiswanto, A. HeriNIDN0905039301
TeacherSyahrir, SyahrirNIDN0905128401
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Fitra Alfitra 1885201028
Date Deposited: 21 Nov 2022 01:36
Last Modified: 21 Nov 2022 01:36

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